The secluded and mysterious country of the rising dragon is well known for its natural beauty and preservation of both wildlife and culture. A trip to Bhutan is truly like a trip back in time as all buildings are still made in the traditional manner.
Explore the charming capital city where all inhabitants still don their traditional dress and life moves very much like it did hundreds of years ago. Home to some of the most stunning valley scenery in the Himalayas, Bhutan offers a wide range of vibrant and colorful flora while serving as the home to many endangered and protected animals who flock here for their annual mating rituals.
Explore the timeless forts known locally as Dzongs and learn about the curious relationship between the government and Buddhist monks who typically share authoritative power to preserve the sacred traditional practices of their priceless culture. Combine timeless natural beauty with timeless culture and experience an unparalleled authentic cultural trip in the heart of the Himalayas.